Barry Lachapelle Design Logo
Barry Lachapelle Design Logo
Barry Lachapelle Design Logo
Barry Lachapelle Design Logo

Visualization, Programming, Design

Planets of IDEO: Visualizing an A-Team




Tokyo, Japan



Visualization, Programming, Design

Planets of IDEO: Visualizing an A-Team







Visualization, Programming, Design

Planets of IDEO: Visualizing an A-Team







Visualization, Programming, Design

Planets of IDEO: Visualizing an A-Team







Planets of IDEO desktop wallpaper
Planets of IDEO desktop wallpaper
Planets of IDEO desktop wallpaper
Planets of IDEO desktop wallpaper

My journey at IDEO left an indelible mark, reshaping my perspective on design and collaboration. From this experience emerged "Planets of IDEO," an attempt to encapsulate the rich diversity of our team through a visual medium.

In the bustling Tokyo studio, each of us was akin to a distinct 'planet.' The planets weren't mere illustrations, they were meticulously crafted using data points like discipline, tenure, and nationality. Through OpenFrameworks, I crafted a C++ algorithm to generate procedural 3D meshes for each planet, influenced by variables simulating physical forces like gravity and repulsion. This approach, predating the era of generative AI, emphasizes the necessity of manually writing procedural code. The result? A constellation of unique representations, each mirroring the individual it depicted.

Generated planet one
Generated planet one
Generated planet one
Generated planet one
Generated planet two
Generated planet two
Generated planet two
Generated planet two
Generated planet three
Generated planet three
Generated planet four
Generated planet four
Generated planet four
Generated planet five
Generated planet five
Generated planet five
Generated planet five
Generated planet six
Generated planet seven
Generated planet seven
Generated planet seven
Generated planet eight
Generated planet eight
Generated planet eight

Try tapping the planets above to see how they felt while generating.

"Planets of IDEO" manifested physically—a large framed poster adorning our workspace and personalized wallpapers gracing our digital screens. These artifacts served as constant reminders of our collective creativity and the interconnectedness of our contributions.

The Planets of IDEO poster
The Planets of IDEO poster
The Planets of IDEO poster
The Planets of IDEO poster
As wallpaper
As wallpaper
As wallpaper
As wallpaper
Also wallpaper
Also wallpaper
Also wallpaper
Also wallpaper
The Planets of IDEO logo
The Planets of IDEO logo
The Planets of IDEO logo
The Planets of IDEO logo


If you’d like to make something good together, I’d love to hear from you.


If you’d like to make something good together, I’d love to hear from you.


If you’d like to make something good together, I’d love to hear from you.


If you’d like to make something good together, I’d love to hear from you.

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